togo is a CLI client for Todoist.
I wanted a way to interact with my todo lists, adding new tasks and completing items, without the context switching that moving to a browser for one line of text input requires. Considering how well Todoist’s natural language due dates work, adding tasks from the CLI using a single sentence is very fast.
$ togo list
ID Priority Content
01231 1 clean desk
01232 1 update gitlab
01233 1 clean computer monitor
$ togo --sort Content list
ID Priority Content
01233 1 clean computer monitor
01231 1 clean desk
01232 1 update gitlab
$ togo list --project 03211 --labels computer,desk "search: monitor"
ID Priority Content
01233 1 clean computer monitor
$ togo add "task"
ID Content
01234 hello world
$ togo done 01231 01232 01233 01234
closing 01231
closing 01232
closing 01233
closing 01234